Zoph 0.8.1 released

03 Jan 2010 by jeroen

I have posted the first pre-release for v0.9 to the Sourceforge site. There are two major changes in this release. The first is the way debugging is done, instead of the "old" DEBUG setting, there are now 3 settings that can be used to give very granular control over which debugging messages are shown. You can read more about that in the documentation.

The other change is the way Zoph handles character sets. The solution Zoph used prior to this version was to specify a character set per language, for example, Italian used iso-8859-1 and Turkish used iso-8859-9. This caused a lot of troubles for people using "special" characters in for example album names or locations. As of Zoph 0.8.1, all languages use UTF-8.

In order to make this change you need to convert your database to UTF-8. You can read in this document how to do that.

Zoph 0.8.1 is a pre-release and should not be considered stable. Everything was tested as well as possible, but some sharp edges may have been overseen. Only upgrade to this release if you are comfortable with that. On the other hand, this release is to find those sharp edges, so I would really appreciate if people would install this release and let me know how it works.

Download Zoph from the Sourceforge site.